单词详解 | irreverent
外刊例句:So it was only natural that when he started making zany, irreverent YouTube videos, his language of choice was Russian.因此,当他开始制作滑稽、不敬的 YouTube 视频时,他选择的语言是俄语,这是很自然的。—New York Times
TalkTV described her upcoming show as “an irreverent look at the week’s news and a lively mix of topical chat with guests from the world of politics, culture and sport”.TalkTV 将她即将播出的节目描述为“对本周新闻的一种不敬的看法,以及与来自政治、文化和体育界的嘉宾的话题聊天的生动组合”。—BBC
He is a man of many nicknames, both reverent and irreverent.他有许多绰号,既有恭敬的,也有不敬的。—New York Times
基本释意:adjectiveshowing lack of due respect or venerationadj. 不敬的,无礼的
短释义:To be irreverent doesn’t necessarily mean you don’t like something; it’s just that you don’t display the same honor for it that other people do. You might have a more light-hearted approach, poking fun of the way other people seem to almost blindly show their devotion. For example, when people at the Louvre are standing in hushed awe in front of the “Mona Lisa” it would be irreverent to holler “What’s so great about that?”如果你不敬,你就没有表现出对某事的尊重,比如你用滑稽的声音不敬地唱着你学校的母校。
长释义:To be irreverent doesn’t necessarily mean you don’t like something; it’s just that you don’t display the same honor for it that other people do. You might have a more light-hearted approach, poking fun of the way other people seem to almost blindly show their devotion. For example, when people at the Louvre are standing in hushed awe in front of the “Mona Lisa” it would be irreverent to holler “What’s so great about that?”不敬并不一定意味着你不喜欢某事;只是你没有表现出与其他人一样的荣誉。你可能会有更轻松的方法,取笑其他人似乎几乎是盲目地表达他们的忠诚的方式。例如,当卢浮宫的人们静静地站在《蒙娜丽莎》前敬畏时,大喊“这有什么了不起的?”是不敬的。
文学例句:After a moment she added as if she might have sounded irreverent, “There wasn’t any connection.”过了一会儿,她补充说,好像她听起来可能有点不敬,“没有任何联系。”— The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
The music itself is stirring, mixing rustic Appalachian sounds with a cool and often irreverent contemporary sensibility.音乐本身是激动人心的,将质朴的阿巴拉契亚声音与酷炫且常常不敬的现代感性混合在一起。—Human nature by ???
What would Peeta think of the irreverent banter that passes between us as we break the law each day?当我们每天违法时,皮塔会如何看待我们之间无礼的玩笑?—The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
词源:irreverent (adj.)”deficient in veneration or respect,” mid-15c., from Old French irreverent or directly from Latin irreverentem “disrespectful, irreverent” (see irreverence). Related: Irreverently (early 15c.); irreverential. Irreverend (late 15c.) means “not worthy of respect or veneration.”Related entries & more
下面是词源的翻译(机器翻译比较难翻,参考着看)irreverent (adj.)“缺乏敬意或尊重”,15 世纪中期,来自古法语 irreverent 或直接来自拉丁语 irreverentem “不尊重,不敬”(见 irreverence)。相关:不敬地(15 世纪初);不敬的。 Irreverend(15 世纪后期)的意思是“不值得尊重或崇敬”。相关条目及更多